Recognising our volunteers’ efforts – The Land – Op-ed
Since the birth of our nation, Australians have faced daunting challenges and extreme adversity that have strengthened the fabric of our society. Our First Nations survived the extremes of drought, fire and flood, teaching through generations to become the oldest...TRANSCRIPT – 2BS BATHURST 31 MARCH 2023
Jac Davey. Hello. Senator Davey Hi, Jack, how are you? Jac Very well, thank you. We’re going to have a chat about something that happened in parliament yesterday, because you’ve, you’ve released a press release. And you say that the Senate has shown...Transcript- Minister Pitt and Senator Perin Davey- ABC Goulburn Murray- Murray Darling Basin
Interview with Sandra Moon – ABC Goulburn Murray
Nats want national hotspot definition to end erratic border closures
A GROUP of senior National Party politicians are calling on the National Cabinet to agree to a country-wide definition of a COVID hotspot to end the inconsistent border closures.
Momentum builds for Singleton bypass
The Australian and New South Wales Governments are pushing ahead with a game-changing bypass of Singleton on the New England Highway.
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