Mar 7, 2025 | Media Releases, Media Releases 2025

Singleton’s future water security will be secure under a Dutton-Littleproud Government, thanks to the advocacy of The Nationals’ candidate for Hunter, Sue Gilroy.

Ms Gilroy has secured a commitment of $9 million to deliver the Singleton Water Security project if the Liberals and Nationals are elected to Government.

Deputy Nationals Leader and Shadow Water Minister Perin Davey joined Ms Gilroy and Singleton Council Mayor Sue Moore to inspect the site of the proposed water reservoir and announce the funding commitment.

“The Nationals and Liberals are committed to funding practical projects that contribute to our regional prosperity,” Senator Davey said.

“That is why when we were in Government we established and funded the National Water Grid.

“The Albanese Labor Government has instead taken funds away from the Water Grid to use for other ideological pursuits, including buying water off farmers in the Murray-Darling Basin.”

Senator Davey said the funding announced today would go towards the design and construction of a new reservoir for Singleton, to service the growing residential areas and allow more flexibility in managing water in the region.

“Importantly the new reservoir will provide greater water security and capacity for the whole network supplying the towns of Singleton, Mount Thorley and Broke,” Senator Davey said.

Ms Gilroy said water is key to the region’s future prosperity.

“Without secure, safe and reliable water communities like Hunter can’t grow and prosper,” Ms Gilroy said.

“The cost-of-living and doing business in the Hunter has not been easy under Albanese and it is vital that we turn that around.

“That is why I back projects like this and that is why I want to continue to fight for this region as the future Member for Hunter.”

Singleton Council Mayor Sue Moore supported the announcement and its importance for the community’s development.

“Council welcomes this announcement by The National Party to deliver new infrastructure necessary for Council to continue to deliver essential services to our growing community, which would otherwise be impossible without government support,” Cr Moore said.