Dec 19, 2024 | Media Releases, Media Releases 2024

Labor have used MYEFO to again drain funds from the National Water Grid Fund using money designed to bolster water security and productivity to underpin environmental ideologies.

In a classic case of diversion, $34.1 million of the National Water Grid fund is being diverted to “support other priorities in the Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water portfolio” while $28.6 million is being ‘saved’ from the same portfolio to fund conservation actions for the Maugean skate.

“It is like the magician diverting your attention while they slip the pea from beneath the cup,” said Shadow Water Minister, Perin Davey.

“The Liberal and Nationals in Government bolstered the National Water Grid Fund by $6.9 billion in our last budget which Labor have used as an ideological slush fund diverting money from water infrastructure at every budget since.

“Unfortunately for them, this time around they have been shamed into funding a major water project by the Liberals and Nationals commitment to the Greater South East Irrigation Scheme.

“I have no doubt that if Peter Dutton had not announced our commitment to funding that scheme, it would not be the headline project for the National Water Grid in MYEFO,” Senator Davey said.

“Projects like the GSEIS are exactly what our nation needs to boost productivity and give confidence to our private sector.

“But rather than ensuring ongoing funds in the National Water Grid Fund, Labor keeps eating away at it at the same time as our productive industries like irrigators and salmon farmers are increasingly losing confidence in their futures.

“Past budgets have seen money transferred from the National Water Grid Fund to Murray-Darling Basin water buyback programs, rather than being invested in desperately needed infrastructure projects across the country,” Senator Davey concluded.